5 Keys Reasons to Work with a Virtual Assistant in 2022

5 Keys Reasons to Work with a Virtual Assistant in 2022

Let's start with the beginning: what’s A Virtual Assistant?

A virtual assistant is an individual who provides different services to businesses or entrepreneurs from a remote location. While they’re not in-office employees, they can access the necessary data and tools to do the job virtually.

Traditionally, virtual assistants were self-employed individuals who specialized in doing specific tasks. However, as the virtual assistant industry grew, you now have virtual assistant companies that provide you with virtual assistants for a range of services like:

  • Customer support
  • Administrative tasks
  • Social media marketing
  • Data entry and management
  • Accounting and bookkeeping
  • Travel booking
  • and so much more!

The Top Five Reasons To Hire A Virtual Assistant For Your Business

So, why hire a virtual assistant?

Here are the top five reasons to hire a virtual assistant:

1. Reduced Costs

Most business owners and entrepreneurs hire virtual assistants to reduce their overhead costs. Here’s how it can help you leverage and make more money.

A. Lower Salaries And Operating Costs

Instead of hiring a full-time employee to do a small job, you can hire a virtual assistant to do it for you. As they usually charge on an hourly or task basis, you only have to pay them for work that’s actually done.

Additionally, as they’re working remotely, you won’t have to pay for overheads like their internet connection, laptop or other office space related expenses.

B. Lower Training Costs

You can also save on training costs by hiring virtual professionals. Think about it. When you hire a first-time employee, you’ll have to invest a considerable amount of time and resources into training them for different aspects of their job. However, as virtual assistants only work on specific tasks that they already excel at, you won’t have to worry about training them.

They can get started right away!

2. Increase Efficiency By Outsourcing Non-Core Tasks

Focus on your core competencies, they take care of the rest. Here’s how.

Companies and entrepreneurs deal with tons of non-core activities like

  • Sending emails and newsletters...
  • Handling customer queries
  • Internet research
  • Scheduling meetings
  • Data entry

While these are necessary tasks, they’re not core tasks that need to be done by an in-house team. Forcing your in-house employees to do these tasks takes away time they could be spending on things that need to be done in person.

By outsourcing your non-core activities to a virtual assistant, you don’t have to worry about managing these activities in-house. This lets you invest your time and resources into tasks that need to be done by your in-office team.

3. Quickly Scale Your Business Operations

Virtual assistants can also help you scale up your business operations quickly.

As they give you the ability to quickly hire talent on a project-by-project basis, you can easily cope with increasing work demands without worrying about rushing your recruitment process.

You can use virtual assistants to quickly deal with sudden scope increases and then slowly hire full-time employees once things have settled down.

4. Offer 24/7 Customer Service

Most businesses have customers spread across the globe. But when your business and staff are only located in one area, coping with global needs and international timezones can be difficult.

For example, if you’re based in New York, your operating hours will be midnight for your customers in Melbourne, Australia! The only way you can deal with this is if your New York office works 24 hours a day!

Luckily, as virtual assistants are based remotely you can hire them across the globe to cater to different timezones. This way, you and your staff can maintain a good work-life balance while still being able to attend to customers 24×7!

5. Frees Up Time For Strategic Thinking

As virtual assistants can perform your non-core activities, you have more time to focus on growing your business. 

Rather than wasting time and resources in doing day-to-day operations, you can invest it to think strategically about the business from a long term perspective. This helps you to set goals that guide your company for better performance and long-term success.

When To Hire A Virtual Assistant For Your Company

It’s clear that virtual assistants can be very helpful to your business.

But when are they most useful?

1. When You Have Work That Doesn’t Need A Full-Time Employee

When there’s a task that only requires a few hours of work per day or week, hiring someone full-time for it is impractical. For example, recruiting an employee solely to schedule client meetings isn’t a smart idea.

In such cases, when there are small tasks or one-off projects, it’s better to use virtual assistance from a remote professional.

2. When There Are Repetitive And Non-Core Tasks

Most businesses spend a lot of time on non-core tasks like answering phone calls and emails every day.

If you find yourself wasting most of your hours doing such time-consuming daily tasks, you need to hire a virtual assistant. They can handle these activities efficiently, freeing up time for you to focus on more essential tasks.


So... now you understand the advantages of having a virtual assistant. What are you waiting for ? 

>> Check out our VA's Packages here